fbpx HOW A NEW LIFE COACH MADE 45K IN 30 DAYS - Good Media Marketing


  • Landing page conversion rate 49%
  • Yielded 61 Booked Sales Calls in 30 Days at $15 per call, closed 13 people into her exclusive 3.5K 1:1 coaching program
  • ROAS of 4352x
  • Added 30 leads to her list daily for $1/lead for a total of 1038


Competition in life coaching is rampant. When launching a new life coaching business, all pieces have to be in place (including the freebies, to funnel, to pixel and social media strategy).

Recently, we began working with a new life coach and author. She had been successful in distributing her book through organic social media but wanted to really uplevel and scale with her proven coaching program that worked with the book.


This life coach was starting with a new list and wanted to scale her 3.5K 1:1 program that was the companion to her life coaching book. While the online coach had experienced success through referrals, she hadn’t yet cracked Facebook ads. We set out to make FB ads work for her.


We did a partial build to pull together various landing pages she had created herself.

When we launched her funnel and ads, she quickly began to add 30 leads to her list per day. She still continues to add 30 leads to her list per day presently (3 months later) and is looking into adding staff to help with her program.

This funnel yielded opt-ins at $1 per lead and booked sales calls at $15 per sales call. The ads on her campaign steadily received Click-Through-Rates of double industry standards (this indicates the quality of the ads). She also got a cost-per-click of $0.48 (truly exceptional).

Keep in mind these exceeded industry averages which are: cost-per-click $2, CTR 1% (cold audience) and freebie opt-in $2-4 per lead.

In 30 days she booked 61 calls at $15 a piece (extremely cheap) and over 30 days she closed 13 people in her 3.5K 1:1 program yielding a profit of 45K in 30 days, which was a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 4352x.

Take A Look at The Magic Numbers Here:


Success like this doesn’t happen overnight – it was a coordinated launch with the successful use of audience testing, audience research, strategically using FB Lives to generate rich audience data, as well as a coordinated social media approach.

Ready to embark on a journey of digital marketing success? Contact us today for a free consultation and experience the G.O.O.D. difference.